{{define "title"}}Upload a Photo{{end}} {{define "content"}}

{{if .EditPhoto}} Edit Photo {{else if eq .Intent "profile_pic"}} Upload a Profile Picture {{else}} Upload a Photo {{end}}

{{ $User := .CurrentUser }} {{if .EditPhoto}}
{{else}} {{end}} {{InputCSRF}}
{{if not .EditPhoto}}

You can use this page to upload a new photo to your profile. Please remember the rules below:

  • 🤳 Self pictures only: you may only upload pictures which depict you in them. If the picture also contains other people, be sure you have their consent to post it here!
  • 🔞 Mark whether your picture is explicit: not all nudists want to see sexual content or close-up shots of genitalia. If your picture is not a "normal nude" please check the Explicit box to help the rest of us out!
  • 🧑 Your main profile picture must show your face: it doesn't have to be a nude pic but your face needs to be in it. Additional photos uploaded to your page do not need to require your face in them.
{{if not .EditPhoto}}

Browse or drag a photo onto this page:

{{if eq .Intent "profile_pic"}} Your default profile picture should NOT contain explicit content.

Your default profile picture is about your face. You can have nudity in it, too, but not a close-up shot of your genitals or sporting an erection or engaging in sexual conduct. You can upload pictures like that to your page, just not as your default profile picture!


Mark this box if this photo contains any explicit content, including an erect penis, close-up of genitalia, or any depiction of sexual activity. Use your best judgment. "Normal nudes" such as full body nudes in a non-sexual context do not need to check this box.


Leave this box checked and your (public only) photo can appear in the site's Photo Gallery page. If you uncheck this box, your (public) photo will still appear on your profile page but not on the site photo gallery. Friends-only or private photos never appear in the gallery even if this box is checked.

{{if not .EditPhoto}}
{{if eq .Intent "profile_pic"}} {{else}} {{end}}