BEGIN; /** * Samples from PostgreSQL src/tutorial/basics.source */ CREATE TABLE weather ( city varchar(80), temp_lo int, -- low temperature temp_hi int, -- high temperature prcp real, -- precipitation "date" date ); CREATE TABLE cities ( name varchar(80), location point ); INSERT INTO weather VALUES ('San Francisco', 46, 50, 0.25, '1994-11-27'); INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('San Francisco', '(-194.0, 53.0)'); INSERT INTO weather (city, temp_lo, temp_hi, prcp, "date") VALUES ('San Francisco', 43, 57, 0.0, '1994-11-29'); INSERT INTO weather (date, city, temp_hi, temp_lo) VALUES ('1994-11-29', 'Hayward', 54, 37); SELECT city, (temp_hi+temp_lo)/2 AS temp_avg, "date" FROM weather; SELECT city, temp_lo, temp_hi, prcp, "date", location FROM weather, cities WHERE city = name; /** * Dollar quotes starting at the end of the line are colored as SQL unless * a special language tag is used. Dollar quote syntax coloring is implemented * for Perl, Python, JavaScript, and Json. */ create or replace function blob_content_chunked( in p_data bytea, in p_chunk integer) returns setof bytea as $$ -- Still SQL comments declare v_size integer = octet_length(p_data); begin for i in 1..v_size by p_chunk loop return next substring(p_data from i for p_chunk); end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql stable; -- pl/perl CREATE FUNCTION perl_max (integer, integer) RETURNS integer AS $perl$ # perl comment... my ($x,$y) = @_; if (! defined $x) { if (! defined $y) { return undef; } return $y; } if (! defined $y) { return $x; } if ($x > $y) { return $x; } return $y; $perl$ LANGUAGE plperl; -- pl/python CREATE FUNCTION usesavedplan() RETURNS trigger AS $python$ # python comment... if SD.has_key("plan"): plan = SD["plan"] else: plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT 1") SD["plan"] = plan $python$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; -- pl/v8 (javascript) CREATE FUNCTION plv8_test(keys text[], vals text[]) RETURNS text AS $javascript$ var o = {}; for(var i=0; i