package responses import ( "fmt" "html/template" "net/http" "" "" ) // ExtraFuncs lets the core app inject extra template functions for all templates. // Use cases include inserting comment or blog partials on other pages. var ExtraFuncs template.FuncMap // TemplateFuncs available to all templates. func TemplateFuncs(r *http.Request) template.FuncMap { funcs := template.FuncMap{ "CSRF": CSRF(r), "FormValue": FormValue(r), "TestFunction": TestFunction(r), } for k, v := range ExtraFuncs { funcs[k] = v } return funcs } // CSRF returns the current CSRF token as an HTML hidden form field. func CSRF(r *http.Request) func() template.HTML { return func() template.HTML { ctx := r.Context() if token, ok := ctx.Value(session.CSRFKey).(string); ok { return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf( ``, constants.CSRFFormName, token, )) } return template.HTML("[error: csrf token not found in request context]") } } // FormValue returns a form value (1st item only). func FormValue(r *http.Request) func(string) string { return func(key string) string { return r.FormValue(key) } } // TestFunction is a "hello world" template function. func TestFunction(r *http.Request) func() template.HTML { return func() template.HTML { return template.HTML("TestFunction() called") } }