/* Reusable script to disable the ACE Code Editor at the touch of a button, i.e. for mobile where the editor doesn't work very well. Include this script at the bottom of the .gohtml page and have a button with the ID "ace-toggle-button". It sets the global window variable DISABLE_ACE_EDITOR=true if disabled. */ (function() { let key = "ace-toggle.disabled"; let disabled = localStorage[key] ? true : false; window.DISABLE_ACE_EDITOR = disabled; let $button = document.querySelector("#ace-toggle-button"); if (disabled) { $button.innerText = "Enable Rich Code Editor"; } else { $button.innerText = "Disable Rich Code Editor"; } $button.addEventListener("click", function() { if (!window.confirm("Toggling the code editor will reload the page. Are you sure?")) { return false; } if (disabled) { delete localStorage[key]; } else { localStorage[key] = true; } window.location.reload(); }); })();