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Raw Normal View History

package common
import (
var (
// Regexp to locate relative URLs in HTML code.
reRelativeLink = regexp.MustCompile(` (src|href|poster)=(['"])/([^'"]+)['"]`)
// Regexp to detect common URL schemes.
reURLScheme = regexp.MustCompile(`^https?://`)
// ReplaceRelativeLinksToAbsolute searches an HTML snippet for relative links
// and replaces them with absolute ones using the given base URL.
func ReplaceRelativeLinksToAbsolute(baseURL string, html string) string {
if baseURL == "" {
return html
matches := reRelativeLink.FindAllStringSubmatch(html, -1)
for _, match := range matches {
var (
attr = match[1]
quote = match[2]
uri = match[3]
absURI = strings.TrimSuffix(baseURL, "/") + "/" + uri
replace = fmt.Sprintf(" %s%s%s%s",
attr, quote, absURI, quote,
html = strings.Replace(html, match[0], replace, 1)
return html
// ToAbsoluteURL converts a URL to an absolute one. If the URL is already
// absolute, it is returned as-is.
func ToAbsoluteURL(uri string, baseURL string) string {
match := reURLScheme.FindStringSubmatch(uri)
if len(match) > 0 {
return uri
if strings.HasPrefix(uri, "/") {
return strings.TrimSuffix(baseURL, "/") + uri
return strings.TrimSuffix(baseURL, "/") + "/" + uri