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If you've come here because you found a password, enter it below to unlock the message:

What is this?

This service stores encrypted messages that may be unlocked in the event of an emergency, such as an untimely death. For example, you may want to make your password manager available to relatives after you die.

You can create a Secure Note on this server. It will generate a random, very strong Diceware password. The password will encrypt your message on the server's hard disk, so that not even the server admin can read the message. The diceware password is strong enough to resist brute force decryption attacks.

You then write a note and stick it in your wallet. "In case of death, visit <this website> and enter this password:"

When the password is entered: you are alerted via e-mail that somebody has entered your password. You have 72 hours (or however long you prefer) to respond to the e-mail and cancel the request. If you do not cancel the request, the message will be unlocked to the user who entered the password.

Create a Note

You may create a note to store on this server. The note will be encrypted using a very strong, randomly generated Diceware passphrase that the server won't store a copy of.

You must provide an e-mail address, and you will be sent a confirmation e-mail to prove control of it.

When your note is unlocked, you will be sent a notification e-mail with options. If you don't react to the e-mail, the original requester will be granted access to read the message after a window period you specify below.

When somebody enters the password to unlock your message, you will receive a notification e-mail and you may act on it. If you don't react within this timeout window, the requester will be granted access to decrypt your message.

Your message will be encrypted using a strong, randomly generated Diceware password. You may choose how many words will be used; the more the better.

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