CyanChat Rules

* Be respectful of and sensitive to others.
* Please, no platform wars ("my computer is better than yours").
* Keep it "G" rated; in other words, suitable for family viewing.
* No flooding, in other words, filling the screen with junk.
* But most of all HAVE FUN!


No name or handle is reserved for any one person. However, purposely impersonating someone for personal gain or in disrespect of the person being impersonated will not be tolerated. So, please try to find a unique name for yourself.

Being Banned

The CyanChat server has a bad language filter that watches all the messages being sent. If it detects that you have used bad language, depending how severe, it might automatically ban you from using CyanChat, ban you for a day or just censor the message. Once you have been banned you will get a message when you start CyanChat that your IP address has been blocked from using CyanChat.

Getting Unbanned

There are many reasons why an IP address might be banned from CyanChat, some reasons are accidental, such as misspelling a word. If you've gotten accidentally banned, e-mail with the IP address that is banned. But one thing to remember is that MarkD has a log of all the bannings (and what was said) and it's usually quite obvious, so don't try the "accident" angle unless it really was.

Offical CC Rules Page: