// Available status options. const StatusOptions = [ { category: "Status", options: [ { name: "online", label: "Active", emoji: "☀️", icon: "fa fa-clock" }, { name: "away", label: "Away", emoji: "🕒", icon: "fa fa-clock" }, { name: "brb", label: "Be right back", emoji: "⏰", icon: "fa fa-stopwatch-20" }, { name: "afk", label: "Away from keyboard", emoji: "⌨️", icon: "fa fa-keyboard who-status-wide-icon-1" }, { name: "lunch", label: "Out to lunch", emoji: "🍴", icon: "fa fa-utensils" }, { name: "call", label: "On the phone", emoji: "📞", icon: "fa fa-phone-volume" }, { name: "busy", label: "Working", emoji: "💼", icon: "fa fa-briefcase" }, { name: "book", label: "Studying", emoji: "📖", icon: "fa fa-book" }, { name: "gaming", label: "Gaming", emoji: "🎮", icon: "fa fa-gamepad who-status-wide-icon-2" }, { name: "movie", label: "Watching a movie", emoji: "🎞️", icon: "fa fa-film" }, { name: "workout", label: "Working out", emoji: "🏋️", icon: "fa-solid fa-dumbbell who-status-wide-icon-2", }, { name: "travel", label: "Traveling", emoji: "✈️", icon: "fa fa-plane" }, // Hidden/special statuses { name: "idle", label: "Idle", emoji: "🕒", icon: "fa-regular fa-moon", hidden: true }, { name: "hidden", label: "Hidden", emoji: "🕵️", icon: "", adminOnly: true }, ], }, { category: "Mood", options: [ { name: "chatty", label: "Chatty and sociable", emoji: "🗨️", icon: "fa fa-comment" }, { name: "introverted", label: "Introverted and quiet", emoji: "🥄", icon: "fa fa-spoon" }, // If NSFW enabled { name: "horny", label: "Horny", emoji: "🔥", icon: "fa fa-fire", nsfw: true, }, { name: "exhibitionist", label: "Watch me", emoji: "👀", icon: "fa-regular fa-eye who-status-wide-icon-1", nsfw: true, } ] } ]; // Flatten the set of all status options. const StatusFlattened = (function() { let result = []; for (let category of StatusOptions) { for (let option of category.options) { result.push(option); } } return result; })(); // Hash map lookup of status by name. const StatusByName = (function() { let result = {}; for (let item of StatusFlattened) { result[item.name] = item; } return result; })(); // An API surface layer of functions. class StatusMessageController { // The caller configures: // - nsfw (bool): the BareRTC PermitNSFW setting, which controls some status options. // - isAdmin (func): return a boolean if the current user is operator. // - currentStatus (func): return the name of the user's current status. constructor() { this.nsfw = false; this.isAdmin = function() { return false }; this.currentStatus = function() { return StatusFlattened[0] }; } // Iterate the category for the Status dropdown menu. iterSelectOptGroups() { return StatusOptions; } // Iterate the