package barertc import ( "fmt" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" ourjwt "" "" "" "" "" ) // ProcessCommand parses a chat message for "/commands" func (s *Server) ProcessCommand(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) bool { if len(msg.Message) == 0 || msg.Message[0] != '/' { return false } // Line begins with a slash, parse it apart. words, err := shellwords.Parse(msg.Message) if err != nil { log.Error("ProcessCommands: parsing shell words: %s", err) return false } else if len(words) == 0 { return false } // Moderator commands. if sub.JWTClaims != nil && sub.JWTClaims.IsAdmin { switch words[0] { case "/kick": s.KickCommand(words, sub) return true case "/ban": s.BanCommand(words, sub) return true case "/unban": s.UnbanCommand(words, sub) return true case "/bans": s.BansCommand(words, sub) return true case "/nsfw": s.NSFWCommand(words, sub) return true case "/cut": s.CutCommand(words, sub) return true case "/unmute-all": s.UnmuteAllCommand(words, sub) return true case "/help": sub.ChatServer(RenderMarkdown("The most common moderator commands on chat are:\n\n" + "* `/kick ` to kick from chat\n" + "* `/ban ` to ban from chat (default duration is 24 (hours))\n" + "* `/unban ` to list the ban on a user\n" + "* `/bans` to list current banned users and their expiration date\n" + "* `/nsfw ` to mark their camera NSFW\n" + "* `/cut ` to make them turn off their camera\n" + "* `/help` to show this message\n" + "* `/help-advanced` to show advanced admin commands\n\n" + "Note: shell-style quoting is supported, if a username has a space in it, quote the whole username, e.g.: `/kick \"username 2\"`", )) return true case "/help-advanced": sub.ChatServer(RenderMarkdown("The following are **dangerous** commands that you should not use unless you know what you're doing:\n\n" + "* `/op ` to grant operator rights to a user\n" + "* `/deop ` to remove operator rights from a user\n" + "* `/shutdown` to gracefully shut down (reboot) the chat server\n" + "* `/kickall` to kick EVERYBODY off and force them to log back in\n" + "* `/reconfigure` to dynamically reload the chat server settings file\n" + "* `/help-advanced` to show this message", )) return true case "/shutdown": s.Broadcast(messages.Message{ Action: messages.ActionError, Username: "ChatServer", Message: "The chat server is going down for a reboot NOW!", }) os.Exit(1) return true case "/kickall": s.KickAllCommand() return true case "/reconfigure": s.ReconfigureCommand(sub) return true case "/op": s.OpCommand(words, sub) return true case "/deop": s.DeopCommand(words, sub) return true case "/debug-dangerous-force-deadlock": // TEMPORARY debug command to willfully force a deadlock. s.Broadcast(messages.Message{ Action: messages.ActionError, Username: "ChatServer", Message: "NOTICE: The admin is testing a force deadlock of the chat server; things may become unresponsive soon.", }) go func() { time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) s.subscribersMu.Lock() s.subscribersMu.Lock() }() return true } } // Not handled. return false } // NSFWCommand handles the `/nsfw` operator command. func (s *Server) NSFWCommand(words []string, sub *Subscriber) { if len(words) == 1 { sub.ChatServer("Usage: `/nsfw username` to add the NSFW flag to their camera.") } username := strings.TrimPrefix(words[1], "@") other, err := s.GetSubscriber(username) if err != nil { sub.ChatServer("/nsfw: username not found: %s", username) } else { // Sanity check that the target user is presently on a blue camera. if !(other.VideoStatus&messages.VideoFlagActive == messages.VideoFlagActive) { sub.ChatServer("/nsfw: %s's camera was not currently enabled.", username) return } else if other.VideoStatus&messages.VideoFlagNSFW == messages.VideoFlagNSFW { sub.ChatServer("/nsfw: %s's camera was already marked as explicit.", username) return } // The message to deliver to the target. var message = "Just a friendly reminder to mark your camera as 'Explicit' by using the button at the top " + "of the page if you are going to be sexual on webcam.

" // If the admin who marked it was previously booted if other.Boots(sub.Username) { message += "Your camera was detected to depict 'Explicit' activity and has been marked for you." } else { message += fmt.Sprintf("Your camera has been marked as Explicit for you by @%s", sub.Username) } other.ChatServer(message) other.VideoStatus |= messages.VideoFlagNSFW other.SendMe() s.SendWhoList() sub.ChatServer("%s now has their camera marked as Explicit", username) } } // CutCommand handles the `/cut` operator command (force a user's camera to turn off). func (s *Server) CutCommand(words []string, sub *Subscriber) { if len(words) == 1 { sub.ChatServer("Usage: `/cut username` to turn their camera off.") } username := strings.TrimPrefix(words[1], "@") other, err := s.GetSubscriber(username) if err != nil { sub.ChatServer("/cut: username not found: %s", username) } else { // Sanity check that the target user is presently on a blue camera. if !(other.VideoStatus&messages.VideoFlagActive == messages.VideoFlagActive) { sub.ChatServer("/cut: %s's camera was not currently enabled.", username) return } other.SendCut() sub.ChatServer("%s has been told to turn off their camera.", username) } } // UnmuteAllCommand handles the `/unmute-all` operator command (remove all mutes for the current user). // // It enables an operator to see public messages from any user who muted/blocked them. Note: from the // other side of the mute, the operator's public messages may still be hidden from those users. // // It is useful for an operator chatbot if you want users to be able to block it but still retain the // bot's ability to moderate public channel messages, and send warnings in DMs to misbehaving users // even despite a mute being in place. func (s *Server) UnmuteAllCommand(words []string, sub *Subscriber) { count := len(sub.muted) sub.muted = map[string]struct{}{} sub.unblockable = true sub.ChatServer("Your mute on %d users has been lifted.", count) s.SendWhoList() } // KickCommand handles the `/kick` operator command. func (s *Server) KickCommand(words []string, sub *Subscriber) { if len(words) == 1 { sub.ChatServer(RenderMarkdown( "Usage: `/kick username` to remove the user from the chat room.\n\nNote: if the username has spaces in it, quote the name (shell style), `/kick \"username 2\"`", )) return } username := strings.TrimPrefix(words[1], "@") other, err := s.GetSubscriber(username) if err != nil { sub.ChatServer("/kick: username not found: %s", username) } else if other.Username == sub.Username { sub.ChatServer("/kick: did you really mean to kick yourself?") } else { other.ChatServer("You have been kicked from the chat room by %s", sub.Username) other.SendJSON(messages.Message{ Action: messages.ActionKick, }) other.authenticated = false other.Username = "" sub.ChatServer("%s has been kicked from the room", username) // Broadcast it to everyone. s.Broadcast(messages.Message{ Action: messages.ActionPresence, Username: username, Message: messages.PresenceKicked, }) } } // KickAllCommand kicks everybody out of the room. func (s *Server) KickAllCommand() { // If we have JWT enabled and a landing page, link users to it. if config.Current.JWT.Enabled && config.Current.JWT.LandingPageURL != "" { s.Broadcast(messages.Message{ Action: messages.ActionError, Username: "ChatServer", Message: fmt.Sprintf( "Notice: The chat operator has requested that you log back in to the chat room. "+ "Probably, this is because a new feature was launched that needs you to reload the page. "+ "You may refresh the tab or click here to re-enter the room.", config.Current.JWT.LandingPageURL, ), }) } else { s.Broadcast(messages.Message{ Action: messages.ActionError, Username: "ChatServer", Message: "Notice: The chat operator has kicked everybody from the room. Usually, this " + "may mean a new feature of the chat has been launched and you need to reload the page for it " + "to function correctly.", }) } // Kick everyone off. s.Broadcast(messages.Message{ Action: messages.ActionKick, }) // Disconnect everybody. for _, sub := range s.IterSubscribers() { if !sub.authenticated { continue } sub.authenticated = false sub.Username = "" } } // BanCommand handles the `/ban` operator command. func (s *Server) BanCommand(words []string, sub *Subscriber) { if len(words) == 1 { sub.ChatServer(RenderMarkdown( "Usage: `/ban username` to remove the user from the chat room for 24 hours (default).\n\n" + "Set another duration (in hours) like: `/ban username 2` for a 2-hour ban.", )) return } // Parse the command. var ( username = strings.TrimPrefix(words[1], "@") duration = 24 * time.Hour ) if len(words) >= 3 { if dur, err := strconv.Atoi(words[2]); err == nil { duration = time.Duration(dur) * time.Hour } } log.Info("Operator %s bans %s for %d hours", sub.Username, username, duration/time.Hour) // Add them to the ban list. BanUser(username, duration) // If the target user is currently online, disconnect them and broadcast the ban to everybody. if other, err := s.GetSubscriber(username); err == nil { s.Broadcast(messages.Message{ Action: messages.ActionPresence, Username: username, Message: messages.PresenceBanned, }) other.ChatServer("You have been banned from the chat room by %s. You may come back after %d hours.", sub.Username, duration/time.Hour) other.SendJSON(messages.Message{ Action: messages.ActionKick, }) other.authenticated = false other.Username = "" } sub.ChatServer("%s has been banned from the room for %d hours.", username, duration/time.Hour) } // UnbanCommand handles the `/unban` operator command. func (s *Server) UnbanCommand(words []string, sub *Subscriber) { if len(words) == 1 { sub.ChatServer(RenderMarkdown( "Usage: `/unban username` to lift the ban on a user and allow them back into the chat room.", )) return } // Parse the command. var username = strings.TrimPrefix(words[1], "@") if UnbanUser(username) { sub.ChatServer("The ban on %s has been lifted.", username) } else { sub.ChatServer("/unban: user %s was not found to be banned. Try `/bans` to see current banned users.", username) } } // BansCommand handles the `/bans` operator command. func (s *Server) BansCommand(words []string, sub *Subscriber) { result := StringifyBannedUsers() sub.ChatServer( RenderMarkdown("The listing of banned users currently includes:\n\n" + result), ) } // ReconfigureCommand handles the `/reconfigure` operator command. func (s *Server) ReconfigureCommand(sub *Subscriber) { // Reload the settings. if err := config.LoadSettings(); err != nil { sub.ChatServer("Error reloading the server config: %s", err) return } sub.ChatServer("The server config file has been reloaded successfully!") } // OpCommand handles the `/op` operator command. func (s *Server) OpCommand(words []string, sub *Subscriber) { if len(words) == 1 { sub.ChatServer(RenderMarkdown( "Usage: `/op username` to grant temporary operator rights to a user.", )) return } // Parse the command. var username = strings.TrimPrefix(words[1], "@") if other, err := s.GetSubscriber(username); err != nil { sub.ChatServer("/op: user %s was not found.", username) } else { if other.JWTClaims == nil { other.JWTClaims = &ourjwt.Claims{ RegisteredClaims: jwt.RegisteredClaims{ Subject: username, }, } } other.JWTClaims.IsAdmin = true // Send everyone the Who List. s.SendWhoList() sub.ChatServer("Operator rights have been granted to %s", username) } } // DeopCommand handles the `/deop` operator command. func (s *Server) DeopCommand(words []string, sub *Subscriber) { if len(words) == 1 { sub.ChatServer(RenderMarkdown( "Usage: `/deop username` to remove operator rights from a user.", )) return } // Parse the command. var username = strings.TrimPrefix(words[1], "@") if other, err := s.GetSubscriber(username); err != nil { sub.ChatServer("/deop: user %s was not found.", username) } else { if other.JWTClaims == nil { other.JWTClaims = &ourjwt.Claims{ RegisteredClaims: jwt.RegisteredClaims{ Subject: username, }, } } other.JWTClaims.IsAdmin = false // Send everyone the Who List. s.SendWhoList() sub.ChatServer("Operator rights have been taken from %s", username) } }