package commands import ( "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "" "" "" "" ) // Init implements `BareBot init` var Init *cli.Command // Default folder structure var defaultFolders = []string{ "brain", "logs", "userdata", } func init() { Init = &cli.Command{ Name: "init", Usage: "initialize a new BareBot robot at the given directory", ArgsUsage: "", Flags: []cli.Flag{}, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.Exit("Usage: BareBot init \n"+ " Example: BareBot init ./chatbot\n"+ " Example: BareBot init .", 1, ) } // If they named an existing directory, ensure it is empty. var botdir = c.Args().First() stat, err := os.Stat(botdir) if os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Info("Creating chatbot directory: %s", botdir) if err := os.MkdirAll(botdir, 0755); err != nil { log.Error("Error creating chatbot directory: %s: %s", botdir, err) return cli.Exit(err, 1) } } else if stat.IsDir() { // They named an existing directory: is it empty? fh, err := os.Open(botdir) if err != nil { log.Error("Checking if %s is empty: couldn't open: %s", botdir, err) return cli.Exit("Exited", 1) } defer fh.Close() _, err = fh.Readdirnames(1) if err != io.EOF { return cli.Exit(fmt.Sprintf( "%s: not an empty directory, will not initialize the chatbot into it", botdir), 1, ) } } // Enter the directory. if err := os.Chdir(botdir); err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't enter directory %s: %s", botdir, err) return cli.Exit("Exited", 1) } // Initialize the folders. for _, folder := range defaultFolders { log.Info("Creating: %s", folder) if err := os.MkdirAll(folder, 0755); err != nil { return cli.Exit(fmt.Sprintf( "Couldn't create %s: %s", folder, err, ), 1) } } // Extract the default RiveScript brain. if files, err := client.Embedded.ReadDir("brain"); err == nil { for _, file := range files { log.Info("Extracting: brain/%s", file.Name()) var ( filename = filepath.Join("brain", file.Name()) ) data, err := client.Embedded.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { log.Error("Reading built-in brain file %s: %s", filename, err) continue } ioutil.WriteFile(filename, data, 0644) } } else { log.Error("Couldn't read default brain: %s", err) } // Initialize the settings file. if err := config.WriteSettings(); err != nil { log.Error("Writing chatbot.toml: %s", err) return cli.Exit("Exited", 1) } return nil }, } }