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Welcome to Sketchy Maze!

Sketchy Maze is a drawing-based maze game themed around hand-drawn maps on paper.

In Sketchy Maze, players may draw their own custom levels and play them as in a 2D platformer-type game. You can make your levels look like anything you want, and you decide which colors will be solid or which are fire; and then drag some "doodads" such as buttons, keys and creatures into your level to make it interesting. Oh, and those doodads? You can make your own, too, and program them in JavaScript to do whatever you want!

The game also features a "Story Mode" with some built-in levels, and players may also compose their own such Level Packs to share with others, too!

Runs on:

This game currently runs on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS (Intel) computers and on Linux handhelds like the Pinephone or Librem 5 (arm64). It is currently available as an early, open beta release. See the Downloads page to try it out, free!

See About, FAQ and the Guidebook for more information about the game.

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