/* Package publishing contains functionality for "publishing" a Level, which involves the writing and reading of custom doodads embedded inside the levels. Free tiers of the game will not read or write embedded doodads into levels. */ package publishing import ( "errors" "fmt" "sort" "strings" "git.kirsle.net/SketchyMaze/doodle/pkg/balance" "git.kirsle.net/SketchyMaze/doodle/pkg/doodads" "git.kirsle.net/SketchyMaze/doodle/pkg/level" "git.kirsle.net/SketchyMaze/doodle/pkg/license" "git.kirsle.net/SketchyMaze/doodle/pkg/log" ) /* Level "Publishing" functions, involving the writing and reading of embedded doodads within level files. */ // Publish writes a published level file, with embedded doodads included. func Publish(lvl *level.Level) error { // Not embedding doodads? if !lvl.SaveDoodads { if removed := lvl.DeleteFiles(balance.EmbeddedDoodadsBasePath); removed > 0 { log.Info("Note: removed %d attached doodads because SaveDoodads is false", removed) } return nil } // Registered games only. if !license.IsRegistered() { return errors.New("only registered versions of the game can attach doodads to levels") } // Get and embed the doodads. builtins, customs := GetUsedDoodadNames(lvl) var names = map[string]interface{}{} if lvl.SaveBuiltins { log.Debug("including builtins: %+v", builtins) customs = append(customs, builtins...) } for _, filename := range customs { log.Debug("Embed filename: %s", filename) names[filename] = nil doodad, err := doodads.LoadFromEmbeddable(filename, lvl, false) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("couldn't load doodad %s: %s", filename, err) } bin, err := doodad.Serialize() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("couldn't serialize doodad %s: %s", filename, err) } // Embed it. lvl.SetFile(balance.EmbeddedDoodadsBasePath+filename, bin) } // Trim any doodads not currently in the level. for _, filename := range lvl.ListFilesAt(balance.EmbeddedDoodadsBasePath) { basename := strings.TrimPrefix(filename, balance.EmbeddedDoodadsBasePath) if _, ok := names[basename]; !ok { log.Debug("Remove embedded doodad %s (cleanup)", basename) lvl.DeleteFile(filename) } } return nil } // GetUsedDoodadNames returns the lists of doodad filenames in use in a level, // bucketed by built-in or custom user doodads. func GetUsedDoodadNames(lvl *level.Level) (builtin []string, custom []string) { // Collect all the doodad names in use in this level. unique := map[string]interface{}{} names := []string{} if lvl != nil { for _, actor := range lvl.Actors { if _, ok := unique[actor.Filename]; ok { continue } unique[actor.Filename] = nil names = append(names, actor.Filename) } } // Identify which of the doodads are built-ins. // builtin = []string{} builtinMap := map[string]interface{}{} // custom := []string{} if builtins, err := doodads.ListBuiltin(); err == nil { for _, filename := range builtins { if _, ok := unique[filename]; ok { builtin = append(builtin, filename) builtinMap[filename] = nil } } } for _, name := range names { if _, ok := builtinMap[name]; ok { continue } custom = append(custom, name) } sort.Strings(builtin) sort.Strings(custom) return builtin, custom }