package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "runtime" "sort" "time" doodle "" "" "" "" "" "" _ "image/png" ) // Build number is the git commit hash. var ( Build = "" BuildDate string ) func init() { if BuildDate == "" { BuildDate = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339) } // Use all the CPU cores for collision detection and other load balanced // goroutine work in the app. runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) } func main() { runtime.LockOSThread() app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "doodle" app.Usage = fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", branding.AppName, branding.Summary) var freeLabel string if balance.FreeVersion { freeLabel = " (shareware)" } app.Version = fmt.Sprintf("%s build %s%s. Built on %s", branding.Version, Build, freeLabel, BuildDate, ) app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "debug, d", Usage: "enable debug level logging", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "edit, e", Usage: "edit the map given on the command line (instead of play it)", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "guitest", Usage: "enter the GUI Test scene on startup", }, } app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error { var filename string if c.NArg() > 0 { filename = c.Args().Get(0) } // SDL engine. engine := sdl.New( fmt.Sprintf("%s v%s", branding.AppName, branding.Version), balance.Width, balance.Height, ) // Load the SDL fonts in from bindata storage. if fonts, err := bindata.AssetDir("assets/fonts"); err == nil { for _, file := range fonts { data, err := bindata.Asset("assets/fonts/" + file) if err != nil { panic(err) } sdl.InstallFont(file, data) } } else { panic(err) } game := doodle.New(c.Bool("debug"), engine) game.SetupEngine() if c.Bool("guitest") { game.Goto(&doodle.GUITestScene{}) } else if filename != "" { if c.Bool("edit") { game.EditFile(filename) } else { game.PlayLevel(filename) } } game.Run() return nil } sort.Sort(cli.FlagsByName(app.Flags)) sort.Sort(cli.CommandsByName(app.Commands)) err := app.Run(os.Args) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }