#!/bin/bash # Build all the doodads from their source files. if [[ ! -d "./azulian" ]]; then echo Run this script from the dev-assets/doodads/ working directory. exit 1 fi mkdir -p ../../assets/doodads boy() { cd boy/ make cd .. } buttons() { cd buttons/ make cd .. } switches() { cd switches/ make cd .. } doors() { cd doors/ make cd .. } trapdoors() { cd trapdoors/ make cd .. } azulians() { cd azulian/ make cd .. } mobs() { cd bird/ make cd .. } objects() { cd objects/ make cd .. cd box/ make cd .. } onoff() { cd on-off/ make cd .. } warpdoor() { cd warp-door/ make cd .. } boy buttons switches doors trapdoors azulians mobs objects onoff warpdoor doodad edit-doodad -quiet -lock -author "Noah" ../../assets/doodads/*.doodad doodad edit-doodad -hide ../../assets/doodads/azu-blu.doodad doodad edit-doodad -hide ../../assets/doodads/boy.doodad