// Generic Item Script /* A script that makes your item pocket-able, like the Keys. Your doodad sprite will appear in the Inventory menu if the player picks it up. Configure it with tags: - quantity: integer quantity value, default is 1, set to 0 to make it a 'key item' Can be attached to any doodad. */ function main() { // Make the hitbox be the full canvas size of this doodad. // Adjust if you want a narrower hitbox. if (Self.Hitbox().IsZero()) { var size = Self.Size() Self.SetHitbox(0, 0, size.W, size.H) } var qtySetting = Self.GetTag("quantity") var quantity = qtySetting === "" ? 1 : parseInt(qtySetting); Events.OnCollide(function (e) { if (e.Settled) { if (e.Actor.HasInventory()) { Sound.Play("item-get.wav") e.Actor.AddItem(Self.Filename, quantity); Self.Destroy(); } } }) }