package balance // Store a copy of the PlayerCharacterDoodad original value. var playerCharacterDefault string func init() { playerCharacterDefault = PlayerCharacterDoodad } // IsPlayerCharacterDefault returns whether the balance.PlayerCharacterDoodad // has been modified at runtime away from its built-in default. This is a cheat // detection method: high scores could be tainted if you `fly like a bird` right // to the exit in a couple of seconds. func IsPlayerCharacterDefault() bool { return PlayerCharacterDoodad == playerCharacterDefault } // The game's cheat codes var ( CheatUncapFPS = "unleash the beast" CheatEditDuringPlay = "don't edit and drive" CheatScrollDuringPlay = "scroll scroll scroll your boat" CheatAntigravity = "import antigravity" CheatNoclip = "ghost mode" CheatShowAllActors = "show all actors" CheatGiveKeys = "give all keys" CheatDropItems = "drop all items" CheatPlayAsBird = "fly like a bird" CheatPlayAsBoy = "pinocchio" CheatPlayAsAzuBlue = "the cell" CheatPlayAsThief = "play as thief" CheatGodMode = "god mode" )