package canvas import ( "errors" "syscall/js" "time" "" "" "" ) // Engine implements a rendering engine targeting an HTML canvas for // WebAssembly targets. type Engine struct { canvas Canvas startTime time.Time width int height int ticks uint32 // Private fields. events *events.State running bool // Event channel. WASM subscribes to events asynchronously using the // JavaScript APIs, whereas SDL2 polls the event queue which orders them // all up for processing. This channel will order and queue the events. queue chan Event } // New creates the Canvas Engine. func New(canvasID string) (*Engine, error) { canvas := GetCanvas(canvasID) engine := &Engine{ canvas: canvas, startTime: time.Now(), events: events.New(), width: canvas.ClientW(), height: canvas.ClientH(), queue: make(chan Event, 1024), } return engine, nil } // WindowSize returns the size of the canvas window. func (e *Engine) WindowSize() (w, h int) { return e.canvas.ClientW(), e.canvas.ClientH() } // GetTicks returns the number of milliseconds since the engine started. func (e *Engine) GetTicks() uint32 { ms := time.Since(e.startTime) * time.Millisecond return uint32(ms) } // TO BE IMPLEMENTED... func (e *Engine) Setup() error { return nil } func (e *Engine) Present() error { return nil } // Texture can hold on to cached image textures. type Texture struct { data string // data:image/png URI image js.Value // DOM image element width int height int } // Size returns the dimensions of the texture. func (t *Texture) Size() render.Rect { return render.NewRect(int32(t.width), int32(t.height)) } // NewBitmap initializes a texture from a bitmap image. The image is stored // in HTML5 Session Storage. func (e *Engine) NewBitmap(filename string) (render.Texturer, error) { if data, ok := wasm.GetSession(filename); ok { img := js.Global().Get("document").Call("createElement", "img") img.Set("src", data) return &Texture{ data: data, image: img, width: 60, // TODO height: 60, }, nil } return nil, errors.New("no bitmap data stored for " + filename) } var TODO int // Copy a texturer bitmap onto the canvas. func (e *Engine) Copy(t render.Texturer, src, dist render.Rect) { tex := t.(*Texture) // image := js.Global().Get("document").Call("createElement", "img") // image.Set("src", // log.Info("drawing image just this once") e.canvas.ctx2d.Call("drawImage", tex.image, dist.X, dist.Y) // TODO++ // if TODO > 200 { // log.Info("I exited at engine.Copy for canvas engine") // os.Exit(0) // } } // Delay for a moment. func (e *Engine) Delay(delay uint32) { time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Millisecond) } // Teardown tasks. func (e *Engine) Teardown() {} func (e *Engine) Loop() error { return nil }