FROM ubuntu:latest
MAINTAINER Noah Petherbridge <>
ENV GOPATH /home/builder/go

# Update all the software and then install Go, git, SDL2 and other dependencies
RUN apt update && \
	apt -y upgrade && \
	apt -y install git zip golang libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev make && \
	apt clean

# Create a user to build the packages.
RUN useradd builder -u 1000 -m -G users

# HACK: pre-emptively copy go/log in, `make setup` gets a dumb error otherwise
# cuz terminal_js.go and terminal.go set the same variable which SHOULD NOT
# HAPPEN cuz the two files should have mutually exclusive build tags. Ugh!
RUN git clone /home/builder/go/src/

# Add the project to the GOPATH
ADD . /home/builder/go/src/
WORKDIR /home/builder/go/src/
RUN chown -R builder:builder /home/builder/go

# Build the app as the `builder` user
USER builder
RUN make setup
CMD ["make", "__docker.dist"]