package scripting /* RegisterEventHooks attaches the supervisor level event hooks into a JS VM. Names registered: - EndLevel(): for a doodad to exit the level. Panics if the OnLevelExit handler isn't defined. */ func RegisterEventHooks(s *Supervisor, vm *VM) { vm.Set("EndLevel", func() { if s.onLevelFail == nil { panic("JS FailLevel(): No OnLevelFail handler attached to script supervisor") } s.onLevelExit() }) vm.Set("FailLevel", func(message string) { if s.onLevelFail == nil { panic("JS FailLevel(): No OnLevelFail handler attached to script supervisor") } s.onLevelFail(message) }) } // OnLevelExit registers an event hook for when a Level Exit doodad is reached. func (s *Supervisor) OnLevelExit(handler func()) { s.onLevelExit = handler } // OnLevelFail registers an event hook for level failures (doodads killing the player). func (s *Supervisor) OnLevelFail(handler func(string)) { s.onLevelFail = handler }