## # Fully build and distribute Linux and Windows binaries for Project: Doodle. # # Artifact outputs will be in the dist/mw/ folder. # # Windows binary cross-compiled with mingw from the Fedora # docker container. ## FROM fedora:latest ENV GOPATH /go ENV GOPROXY direct ENV PATH /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/go/bin # Fedora: Update all software and get dependencies. # RUN dnf -y update RUN dnf -y install git zip tar golang SDL2-devel SDL2_ttf-devel \ SDL2_mixer-devel mingw64-gcc make wget \ flatpak-builder ruby-devel gcc rpm-build libffi-devel # Create a user to build the packages. RUN useradd builder -u 1000 -m -G users && \ mkdir /go /git && chown -R builder:users /go /git # Docker cache invalidation here. # ADD . /home/builder # Git clone all the repos. XXX: passwords exposed here RUN git clone https://doodle:hiRN6wp-XPDBc@git.kirsle.net/apps/doodle-rtp /git/rtp RUN git clone https://doodle:hiRN6wp-XPDBc@git.kirsle.net/apps/doodle-vendor /git/vendor RUN git clone https://doodle:hiRN6wp-XPDBc@git.kirsle.net/apps/doodle-masters /git/masters RUN git clone https://doodle:hiRN6wp-XPDBc@git.kirsle.net/apps/doodle /go/src/git.kirsle.net/apps/doodle # MinGW setup for Windows executable cross-compile. WORKDIR /git/vendor/mingw-libs RUN for i in *.tar.gz; do tar -xzvf $i; done RUN cp -rv SDL2-2.0.9/x86_64-w64-mingw32 /usr && \ cp -rv SDL2_mixer-2.0.4/x86_64-w64-mingw32 /usr && \ cp -rv SDL2_ttf-2.0.15/x86_64-w64-mingw32 /usr RUN mkdir -p /usr/lib/golang/pkg/windows_amd64 && \ chown -R builder:users /usr/lib/golang/pkg/windows_amd64 # Pre-download my Go render engine libraries RUN git clone https://git.kirsle.net/go/ui /git/go/ui RUN git clone https://git.kirsle.net/go/render /git/go/render RUN git clone https://git.kirsle.net/go/audio /git/go/audio # Enter Doodle's directory, patch the go.mod and fetch the guidebook. WORKDIR /go/src/git.kirsle.net/apps/doodle RUN echo "replace git.kirsle.net/go/ui => /git/go/ui" >> go.mod && \ echo "replace git.kirsle.net/go/render => /git/go/render" >> go.mod && \ echo "replace git.kirsle.net/go/audio => /git/go/audio" >> go.mod && \ cat go.mod && \ wget -O - https://download.sketchymaze.com/guidebook.tar.gz | tar -xzvf - # Install Go dependencies and such. RUN make setup # Copy default vendored assets in. RUN cp -r /git/vendor/fonts ./assets/fonts && \ cp -r /git/masters/levelpacks/levelpacks ./assets/levelpacks && \ mkdir rtp && cp -r /git/rtp/* rtp/ RUN ls -hal && pwd RUN mkdir -p bin && cp /git/vendor/DLL/*.dll bin/ # Package rpm and deb for Linux. # TODO: fpm doesn't like to install in Docker right now # RUN dnf -y install ruby-devel gcc rpm-build libffi-devel RUN gem install fpm; exit 0 # Run the big mingw-release, which: # - builds the doodads # - embeds the bindata files # - builds the program for Linux # - builds for Windows via MinGW # - runs `make dist/` creating an uber build for both OS's # - runs release.sh to carve out the Linux and Windows versions and # zip them all up nicely. RUN make mingw-release ### # Build the Flatpak release for Linux. # RUN git clone https://code.sketchymaze.com/game/flatpak /git/flatpak # # Fetch flatpak dependencies. # RUN flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo && \ # flatpak install -y org.freedesktop.Sdk//21.08 && \ # flatpak install -y org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.golang//21.08 # # Path the go.mod `replace` directives to Flatpak's sandbox paths, # # then build the Flatpak. # RUN sed -i 's/=> \/git\/go\//=> \/run\/build\/sketchymaze\/deps\//g' go.mod && \ # cat go.mod # WORKDIR /git/flatpak # RUN make bundle; exit 0 # WORKDIR /go/src/git.kirsle.net/apps/doodle CMD ["sudo", "cp", "-r", "-v", \ "/go/src/git.kirsle.net/apps/doodle/dist/release/", \ # "/git/flatpak/*.flatpak", \ "/mnt/export/"]